
Showing posts from February, 2021

Research Blog number 4

  Working Title: The Occultation of Egypt Topic: In my research project, I will be examining the occultation of Egypt in the western mind, based off of the magical interpretations of hieroglyphs and the origins and mysteries of the great pyramids and their true meaning. I would also like to further examine why these structures and artifacts led to the association between the occult and Egypt. Another part of this I would like to examine is the Egyptian mummy, and how, not only the mummy but Egypt as a whole is portrayed in the media. These things are only a few of the mysterious Egyptian practices that lead to the occultation of Egypt in the western mind.  Research Question:  Many people have different theories on the different practices and activities of the ancient Egyptians. There are many mysteries which have not been uncovered about these ancient peoples. However, as much as we know, how did our knowledge of the pyramids and magical interpretation of the hieroglyphs ...

Literature Review #2

Citation:    Glynn, Basil. The Mummy on Screen: Orientalism and Monstrosity in Horror Cinema. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2019. Summary: In this book, Glynn talks about the portrayal of the mummy and egyptian culture and practices  in western media. She also talks about the evolution of the Egyptian culture and portrayal of "magical" practices. Author: Basil Glynn is a lecturer in films and television. He is knowledgable since he studies media and films as his job.  Key Terms: Portrayal, Egyptians, Mummy Quotes: Mummy films acknowledge little difference between the ancient and the modern, with only scant attention given to the Muslim country that Egypt has been since AD 639.(25)  Although monsters evidently rise and fall in popularity, to be resurrected anew, the death of the Mummy genre is one that appears to have been actively sought by a number of critics, being pronounced dead on the screen on a number of occasions.(29) In the midst of this ‘Mummy craze’ Mumm...

Literature Review #1

Citation:   Nell, Erin, and Clive Ruggles. “The Orientations of the Giza Pyramids and Associated Structures.” Journal for the History of Astronomy, vol. 45, no. 3, SAGE Publications, 2014, pp. 304–60, doi:10.1177/0021828614533065. Summary: In this article, Nell talks about the particular orientation of the Giza Pyramids, and the analyzation of texts that refer to collaboration between the Egyptian King and the god Thoth. Key Terms: Orientation, Stars Quotes:  " Some of the texts describe how the king would gaze at the stars before determining the ‘corners’ of the temple.  " " In order to determine the correct orientation he is assisted not only by Seshat but also by the god Thoth, who holds a  merkhet . " " Another of the texts referring to Thoth, which describes the construction of a palace dedicated to Re-Horakhty (the sun god Re-of-the-two-horizons), suggests more directly that sun/shadow measurements were made" Value: This book will help me examine the...

Research Blog #3: Research blog and 3 Scholarly Sources

  Many people have different theories on the true origins and purpose of Stonehenge and the Pyramids. There are many mysteries which have not been uncovered about these ancient locations. How were Stonehenge and The Pyramids really built and what was their true purpose? Did these ancient civilizations build these extraordinary structures themselves, or did they have help from other beings? Citations: Verner, Miroslav. The Pyramids : the Mystery, Culture, and Science of Egypt’s Great Monuments. 1st ed., Grove Press, 2001. (Verner is an Egyptian Archaeologist) Walker, Merle F. “The Alignment of the Egyptian Pyramids.” Journal for the History of Astronomy , vol. 37, no. 3, SAGE Publications, 2006, pp. 349–52, doi:10.1177/002182860603700306. John, Brian. “Stonehenge. Exploring the Greatest Stone Age Mystery. By Mike Parker Pearson. 240mm. Pp x + 406, B&w and 29 Col Ills. Simon & Schuster, London, 2012. ISBN 9780857207302. £25 (hbk).” Antiquaries Journal , vol. 94, 2014, pp. 355...

Scouting the territory

 My main idea, which explores the mysteries of ancient sites such as Stonehenge and the Egyptian Pyramids has not changed. However, when searching online many key terms arise such as "mysteries" and "origins". These key terms are useful since they detail exactly what I would like to research, such as the origins of both Stonehenge and the great pyramids, and how and by who were they built? Although we know a little bit about Stonehenge, as depicted by, These locations still pose many questions about the true history and meaning of these places, and certain features. For example, in some Egyptian carvings and paintings, people say depictions of extraterrestrials were seen. Did the Egyptians have help from extraterrestrial beings? A book I found through Google Scholar that may be helpful is, "Giza an...